Affiliate Disclosure

Hello there! I’m the face behind this website, and I want to be fully transparent about my involvement in affiliate marketing here.

My primary goal is to offer invaluable natural health insights—providing free content, trainings, and tutorials that many others often charge for. However, I also want to be upfront about the fact that this website is a for-profit entity, and I’d like to explain how it generates income and why.

Here’s the full disclosure:

I am an affiliate marketer, and across various posts on this site as well as in my emails, you will find affiliate links to products and services I endorse. If you click these links and make a purchase, I may receive a commission, which compensates me for the effort and resources devoted to producing the extensive free content available here.

Please assume that any link leading you to a product or service outside this website is an affiliate link, from which I might earn a commission if you make a purchase. That being said, I only promote or link to products and services that I have thoroughly researched, tested, believe in, and, in many cases, personally use.

In essence, you should consider that I have an affiliate relationship or another material connection with the providers of goods and services mentioned here, and I may be compensated for recommending them or linking to their websites.

If you have any questions regarding any product, my relationship with a company, or about this affiliate disclosure, please feel free to email me at I am more than willing to provide further clarification.

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