I use homeopathy from time to time. I haven’t studied it as extensively as I have essential oils, minerals, vitamins and other nutraceuticals for health. So I will admit much of the information in this article about homeopathic medicine for insomnia is derived from a really great book I have called, Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica which I highly recommend purchasing.
Homeopathy is excellent for kids or those that have a hard time swallowing supplements or taking pills.
Our family has been using them for almost 20 years now.
Homeopathy has been demonized by the medical industrial complex because it’s difficult to find or understand the mechanism of action of homeopathic remedies.
With that said, they’ve been used for centuries by cultures all around the world.
Homeopathy has stood the test and scrutiny of time.
On top of that, anything our medical industrial complex demonizes makes me think twice. Why are they demonizing it? Why are the restricting its use, its sale and what’s able to be said about it?
If homeopathy didn’t work (aka didn’t directly compete with the medical industry) there’d be no need to censor it right? You only censor what you’re afraid of.
With that said let’s dive a little deeper….
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a particular system of natural or alternative medicine that was first developed by a German physician called Samuel Hahnemann around 1796 over 228 years ago.
Dr. Hahnemann was really turned off to what he considered to be harsh medical practices during his time like blood letting, purging etc. Turns out blood letting is incredibly powerful for cardiovascular diseases and preventing heart attacks.
But that’s another article. 🙂
He came up with the idea in nature that “like cures like” which means that something that causes bad symptoms (like say venom from a bee sting for example) could be used and diluted to help a person who got a bee sting for example.
He got this idea from studying quinine, a treatment for malaria, that could cause malaria-like symptoms in healthy individuals.
Hahnemann also developed his own unique concept called potentization where a toxic or substance could be put into a solution and shaken many many times (aka succussed) diluting it. Most homeopathic remedies are taken from natural substances like leaves, roots, plants or even animals.
It makes sense to use something easy on your body as the first resort and then only use toxic medications as the last option.
For this reason homeopathic medicine took off.
There are still some people who think homeopathy is pseudoscience but many patients in my line of work, swear by its gentle approach and individualized treatment plans. You can’t really get that with modern medicine because one pill is supposed to work for all people, at all times.
That philosophy is outdated in my opinion.
How Does Homeopathy Work?
Like I mentioned above homeopathic medicine works on the concept of “like cures like“. This is where a toxic substance (I’ll stick with the bee sting analogy) is put into a solution of a specific amount and it is diluted by shaking up the solution with the toxic substance in it (bee stinger).
If you look at quantum physics, everything is energy and vibration.
In fact Nikola Tesla once said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla
When you put something like a bee stinger into a solution and shake it, the frequency of that bee stinger along with some physical molecules get put into the solution.
Let’s say that solution is 1 ounce and then you take a drop of that ounce and put it into another ounce of solution (that has nothing in it), then you shake that up and to it 100 times.
Then you take 1 drop of that second bottle and put it into a 3rd bottle and shake it 100 times.
And on it goes for up to 30 or 100 times.
Eventually there’s nothing physical left of the bee sting in the solution. But the solution carries the energetic vibration and frequencies of the bee stinger.
Then when you take a couple drops of that succussed and diluted solution, you’ve just ingested your own self made homeopathic remedy.
These energetic or frequency based medicines work by addressing your body’s vital force or energy field. Chinese Medicine Practitioners (TCM) call it Chi, Qi or life force.
These homeopathic medicines are highly individualized for each person, not just physically but also emotional and overall health issues.
In light of using homeopathic medicine for insomnia whether sleeplessness is from anxiety, stress, medical problems, hormonal imbalances, heavy metal toxicity or mineral dysregulation each homeopathic remedy for sleep is completely tailored to each individual and their unique circumstances.
Each remedy can be custom made for each person for their own unique situation so it’s difficult to generally make a list of homeopathic medicines for insomnia.
But taking that in mind I’ll list some homeopathic remedies you could consider for insomnia below…
Top Homeopathic Medicines For Insomnia
Cannabis Sativa
Cannabis Sativa is very effective for those who are very sleepy but unable to sleep. It is used for obstinate and intractable forms of insomnia.
When to use
Use when there is extreme sleepiness but an inability to fall asleep.
How to use
Tincture and first attenuation
Belladonna is used for intense sleeplessness with hallucinations and horrid dreams. Symptoms worsen after hot drinks, stimulants, eating, and at night.
When to use
Use for sleeplessness accompanied by hallucinations and nightmares.
How to use
First trituration in hives, otherwise higher potencies 1.
Hyoscyamus is another remedy for intense sleeplessness with hallucinations and horrid dreams. Symptoms worsen after hot drinks, stimulants, eating, and at night.
When to use
Use for severe insomnia with hallucinations and disturbing dreams.
How to use
First trituration in hives, otherwise higher potencies.
Opium is also used for intense sleeplessness with hallucinations and horrid dreams. Symptoms worsen after hot drinks, stimulants, eating, and at night.
When to use
Use for severe insomnia with hallucinations and nightmares.
How to use
First trituration in hives, otherwise higher potencies
Gelsemium is effective for restless and wakeful sleep resulting from exhaustion. It is particularly useful for insomnia in infants, the aged, and the mentally worried and overworked.
When to use
Use for insomnia due to exhaustion, especially in infants, the elderly, and those mentally overworked.
How to use
Large doses of mother tincture, thirty to sixty drops, repeated several times 1.
Lachesis is used when there is sleepiness yet the person cannot sleep. The person is wide-awake in the evening. Symptoms worsen after sleep, with chilly back, icy cold feet, and hot flushes.
When to use
Use when there is an inability to sleep despite sleepiness, especially if symptoms worsen after sleep.
How to use
Not specified
Zincum Valerianum
Zincum Valerianum is for uncontrollable sleeplessness from pain in the head with melancholy.
When to use
Use for insomnia caused by head pain and melancholy.
How to use
First and second trituration, must be continued for some time in treatment of neuralgia 1.
Chloralum is used for insomnia with hallucinations and horrid dreams. Symptoms worsen after hot drinks, stimulants, eating, and at night.
When to use
Use for insomnia with hallucinations and disturbing dreams.
How to use
First trituration in hives, otherwise higher potencies.
Stramonium is for intense sleeplessness with sobs and cries without waking. Symptoms worsen at night, during menses, after eating, and when lying down.
When to use
Use for severe insomnia with sobbing and crying without waking.
Paullinia Sorbilis
Paullinia Sorbilis is used for restless and wakeful sleep resulting from exhaustion. It contains a large percentage of caffeine, which may explain its use as a remedy for certain forms of sick headache.
When to use
Use for insomnia due to exhaustion, especially if related to caffeine intake.
It really upsets me that homeopathic remedies and more specifically homeopathic medicine for insomnia and other sleep issues have been demonized. We all deserve to have all the knowledge and information available about any substance (whether alternative, natural or pharmaceutical) to make informed choices about our health and our sleep.
Try some of these homeopathic medicines for your insomnia and let me know how it goes!
- Have you ever used homeopathy?
- What were your results?
- What about for sleep issues like insomnia?
Comment below!